Why this site

Our initiative aims to reduce the inconvenience and stigma all those affected by HIV / AIDS have while traveling for holidays or for work.  It is well known that HIV patients, albeit under viral anti-retro therapy and therefore in a regime of non-transmissibility of the virus, have problems entering important countries such as the Russian Republic or the Emirate of Dubai, our mission is to fight this discrimination, but also to create the cultural conditions for a normal social life even in the normal world.  Another project that we plan to carry out through the support of the network is the creation of reception centers to give support to children with HIV / AIDS in South East Asia, the Kingdom of Thailand and neighboring countries. The Unites States of America removed its entry restrictions for people living with HIV in January 2010. The legislative change in the USA and the similar changes announced recently in China received broad media coverage. 

We very much hope that these examples will have a domino effect, resulting in the revision of legislation in other countries which currently impose entry or living restrictions on people living with HIV (PLHIV).  We must also keep in mind that there are still countries in Europe maintaining restrictions which discriminate against people living with HIV.

ùFor many people, travel is an important aspect of life.  Some choose to benefit from the positive quality-of-life effects which come from participating in leisure travel.

Others have to stay in foreign countries for long periods due to personal or professional reasons.  Our data collection has become a reliable point of reference for PLHIV, providing them with up-to-date information which allows them to decide on the most appropriate behaviour before travel, as well as acting as an indicator of the extent of discrimination against people with HIV face in different parts of t